Cleveland RAD+ Convening - Summer 2023 | Getting Going Again—Managing Ahead
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Session Materials
Southwest Regional Convening - Spring 2020 | To RAD & Beyond
Wow! What a fantastic Convening the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) co-hosted with the Collaborative over 3-days for over 260 attendees in Austin March 4-6—just prior to the novel coronavirus shutting down most of Austin, and notably, its annual South by Southwest Festival.
We trust that traveling attendees made it safely home, and appreciate that all are now deeply engaged in assuring the safety of their residents and staff back home. Thanks, too, to the HUD senior team leaders from the Recap Office, SAC and OAMPO, along with so many industry partners, that came from all over the country to share the latest RAD and public housing redevelopment practice experiences and insights.
For those of you not able to join us in Austin—and those who did—please find all of the Convening materials—along with photo/video footage—in the links below.
Again, Many Thanks to HACA & the Convening’s Local Sponsors
Southeast Regional RAD+ Convening - Fall 2019

Thanks to the 200+ attendees who joined us in Greensboro September 11 to 13 for highly informative and engaging discussions with HUD, state FHAs, industry partners and a range of PHA practitioners—from those with several RAD conversions completed to those exploring RAD and re-positioning options. A special thanks goes to our local host—the Greensboro Housing Authority—and local sponsors who made the Southeast Regional Convening a success—and a rich opportunity to learn a bit about Greensboro’s history in the civil rights movement.
For both those that attended and those that missed the Convening, materials that we reviewed and discussed include:
In a follow up to a Friday AM “Deeper Dive” session on re-positioning strategies, moderator Grey Byrne/Recap Office has provided some promised follow-on answers to the many in-depth questions and scenarios discussed then, which can be found here.
Finally, many thanks to our local host and sponsors for making the Southeast Regional Convening possible!
Northwest Regional RAD+ Convening - Winter 2019

Over 140 attendees gathered in Portland and Vancouver over three days from February 27 to March 3 to explore the latest practice and policy insights into what’s become “RAD+” — an impressive array of mixed-income/mixed-use/preservation developments and cross-sector collaborations being undertaken along with RAD and Section 18 conversions of assistance.
Attendees heard from HUD’s Recap Office and SAC directors about the forthcoming RAD notice revisions and other news; learned about the growing roles of the states of Oregon, California and Washington in supporting RAD+ and cross-sector collaborations in healthcare, education, employment and more; and joined in wide-ranging discussions with leading practitioners about an impressive array of preservation and redevelopment projects being undertaken by PHAs and their partners throughout the Northwest—looking at both what’s been achieved and what’s needed ahead for RAD.
Materials from the Convening include:
Many thanks to our local hosts while in Portland & Vancouver for helping with an engaging and successful RAD+ Convening !
Columbus Regional Convening - Summer 2018
With thanks to our local hosts--Ohio Capital Corporation, Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority, National Church Residences, RED Capital and support of our national sponsors--the RAD Collaborative Columbus Convening was joined by 150+ practitioners from all over the Midwest--and places beyond.
Tom Davis keynotes the RC & CLPHA-sponsored Novogradac RAD conference in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Regional Convening - Spring 2018
The RAD Collaborative and CLPHA were pleased to serve as strategic sponsors to the Novogradac-organized RAD Public Housing Conference in Philadelphia on April 26-27. The day-and-a half session addressed a range of RAD matters of interest to both those new to RAD and those transforming their PHAs into conventional Section 8-LIHTC owners-developers-managers and resident services coordinators.
Shaun Donovan, Sunia Zaterman, and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
RAD Practice Day 2017 - Fall 2017
Over 130 RAD practitioners, prospective applicants, HUD officials, policy makers and other affordable housing interests joined in the Fall 2017 RAD Practice Day on October 18 in Washington, DC. Charged with devising recommendations for making RAD a permanent initiative in town-hall style working sessions, participants focused on enhancing RAD's planning-development-financing, conversion and post-implementation activities at greater scale.
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) Offers Keynote Remarks
RAD Practice Day - Fall 2016
On November 16, 2016 over 130 housing authorities, lenders, investors, developers, advisers/consultants, counsel, and others joined together in a day-long session with numerous HUD staff and former officials focused on continuing RAD's successful implementation and advancing RAD in the next Administration and Congress. For a video stream of key sessions and discussions provided by the HAI Group, click here.
El Paso, TX
RAD Practice Day - Spring 2016
On April 6, 2016 the RAD Collaborative held its first RAD Practice Day. Over 120 participants, including housing authorities, lenders, investors, developers, advisers/consultants, counsel, and more joined together in an afternoon-long session focused on "Building on How Far We've Come".